Monday, April 1, 2019


The more you are in business the more tired you can get.
Tired of the politics, the back stabbing , the lies and the complacency.
The only problem is there is no escaping it, it unfortunately exist in every business, no matter how big or how small. I am not trying to be negative, I am just sharing my 40 years of lessons in business.
We can discuss why we may think it exists and I mostly think it is because of power and money and insecurities but the main thing is to recognize that it is not you and it is not just where you presently work.
So what to do ?
Learn not to hate and do not fall into their trap and their game. Be above it, smile and try not to gossip, it will just weigh you down. If you know in your heart that you are doing your best that is all that matters.
Is it tiresome? Yes - but it can also be rewarding if those few times you can push through and actually form positive alliances.

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