Tuesday, April 9, 2019


You can always feel when someone is authentic.
Those that lead, those that separate themselves from the pack have one thing in common- they are authentic.
Those that pretend or lie or try to be something they are not will always fail, sooner or later their real colors show and they can never affect real change, they can never be a true leader.
By being yourself you can also learn to take that weight off your shoulders and start to see people and  start to grow within. As simple as that sounds it is hard to do, most people live most of their lives and can never shed that weight and worry so they hide or try to follow the leader.
The problem is are they are true leader ? Are they authentic? Or are they lost too and selfishly trudging through their live not yet realizing what is their compass.
None of us know the answers, we all struggle to learn and to shed the ugly past that we may have and we allow guilt or money to be a cloak we must learn to shed or work through.
Find the freedom of being yourself.
Be authentic

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