Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Atta Boy

To feel rewarding in business you need direction and if you really want to build a happy, hard working, successful team the leader needs to be active and watching and listening.
Good leaders listen and observe and allows their team to do their job and helps the members of the team do their job better.
At the end of every work day or sometime during the work day their should either be a “atta boy” or some guidance or suggestions- that is how you develop “ buy in” .
The other side of that are leaders who do not listen or observe or guide and those team members will slowly but surely “check out”. People need to know what they are doing matters and they want to do better and be appreciated. When leaders or bossses just hide in their office they are sending a message. If they believe that they are too busy they need to structure the work tree differently and hand off those duties to someone they trust and by doing so they need to give the power to that person so their word is worth something and their knowledge will help improve the work space.
Either way people need involvement and they need to be looked at and guided - those “atta boys” are worth a heck of a lot more then you think.
Pay attention!

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