Sunday, April 14, 2019


If you really want one word to be successful it would be - Care
Care about other people and  care about doing your very best .
Yup, it’s that simple.
I am not talking the fake kind of care but the real type, the type where you take the time to know the people around you, to learn their history and what you can do to help them.
The kind of caring about your work where you are always trying to improve and learn and progress the goal of the team.
When you truly care and you learn and “ see” your surroundings you begin to grow and release your selfish ways and worries.
If if it that simple why do people struggle?
It is hard to open yourself up because of fear of being ridiculed or put down and most times we are in defensive mode and I think much of it is because of the crap we carry around from growing up but a lot has to do with fear of money and position in the work place.
Leave those to themselves who hate or gossip or are always angry, try to break their walls down if possible but do not live in their world. Live in your world, the world you want, the world where people care about each other.
Live- Smile - forgive - Care

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