Thursday, October 25, 2018


We all want to have a worth - to make a difference or to contribute.
We are at our best when we feel needed and wanted - work is one place we can achieve those goals but our personal life’s is where we will leave our mark.
No matter what you do for work , it is work and as in all jobs it revolves around money and profit and one day that will be gone and in today’s business world that shelf life is shrinking.
Your family on the other hand will always be there, at least if you make them a priority throughout your life they will be. Do not take them for granted and do not forget why you are working in the first place. If you have kids- love them and tell them that every day and more important- show them.
Showing someone that you love them does mean buying them jewelry or toys or gifts it means spending time with them, listening to them and sharing thoughts.
If you have grandkids - same there - time and hugs and viewing life through their eyes is our reward.
Our worth is to surrender to the life around us every day - close your eyes- take in a huge breath and exhale , and open your eyes to The beauty around you and the people that love you.
Never take them or a day for granted.

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