Saturday, October 13, 2018

Power and Money

Unfortunately I have seen very good men change because of Power and Money.
Those that do always forget where they came from and how they were able to succeed.
With great power comes great responsibility-
Even with little power, I see how a title can change a person and they forget how to be humble.
When a person lives more in the “ I” world and less in the “we” world the problem with fester- listen to them when they talk do they always refer to themselves? Do they take all the credit and push away the blame for any negative?
Everyone has somebody that showed them the path , that was an example or gave a hand- NEVER forget where you came from and ALWAYS stay humble.
With the title and the power normally comes a raise and everyone always lives a bit above there means, no matter what their pay is so they start to worry about making more money or losing their job and that also begins the path of ugliness. Before long I watched very good people start to hurt others because they “ had to do it” or they justified it in one way or the other, all to keep their power.
Ego also grows with the power and can make people say and do things that are just plain wrong.
Power-Money- Ego -
All attributes that are hallow and will make you forget who you are and what is most important in life.
Stay humble- Give more and want less

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