Wednesday, October 3, 2018


We all want to be accepted ...
It starts at a very young age, ever watch a young child around the age of 8 when they are around other kids being a bit older , like 11 or 12 ? They want to hang and play with them, unfortunately most kids 11 or 12 do not want to play or hang with 8 year olds... God forbid.. it would not be cool. And if it was your 8 year old and you observed it your heart sinks.
That follows up through middle school and high school, we want to be part of a group and be accepted and when we are pushed out it hurts and can effect our personalities and our confidence.
It still follows us into the business world because most adults are just big kids and they all are carrying around their own baggage and their own hurt and can be empowered by demeaning others.
We fear retribution and the possibility of being on the “outside” so we learn to either keep quiet or follow the leader or bend what we believe- my only advice to look for the good in everybody and follow your own path - you do not need to be part of a group to reassure yourself of your worth.
You alone are special- you alone have worth- listen to your heart and keep what is truly important to you in your every day life and hopefully what is important to you is not material.

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