Thursday, October 18, 2018


Where is your Loyalty ?
To have true loyalty you need to ask your self what are YOUR priorities and goals?
Is the person asking you for your loyalty someone you observe being loyal to others ?
If you see and hear people being ugly toward others you can pretty much take it to the bank that will also throw you under the bus too.
Being loyal has to cut both ways and if you cannot fully trust the other person how the heck are you going to be totally loyal to them ?
I have written and expressed my views in the past on Money and power and it is all relevant because when people turn ugly and become disloyal many times it is because they are worried about their themselves and their position and pay- pretty sad but I have witnessed it way to often.
Working and living in an environment that is truly trusting and loyal is very special and within that environment you will do some pretty amazing things - most of all your shoulders will be lightened and you will enjoy your life and your friends and family even more.
Find those that deserve your loyalty and embrace them.
Life is short

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