Friday, April 27, 2018


My mom would always tell me “ If you have your health you have everything “ -
Little did I know that she was giving me one of the secrets of life.
We spend a lot of time and energy complaining about little , unimportant things every day and we neglect to just be thankful for our health , after all they say “ Don’t sweat the small stuff, and most everything is small stuff”.
If you question this little known fact then you will surely remember if you have health issues, all you want to do is feel better and you realize that all the stuff you were complaining about does not matter.
All you want is to be healthy.
Do not waste the day - do not over think things- do not let being paranoid seep into your day-
Appreciate the beautiful world around you- smile and thank people through out your day-
Appreciate your health-
“If you have your health you have everything “

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Thank you for being there,every day....