Saturday, April 28, 2018

Find the beauty

Every day is a Gift ...
Find the beauty

We all have problems, we all struggle to be a better person, we all live in a world with a lot of hate and negative but every day your mission must be to remind yourself that even through all the negative- you are alive- and that my friend is a gift.

Life comes at you fast and if you allow the bad and the negative to wash over you then you will waste time - I am not saying by being Mr. or Mrs. sunshine that bad will not enter your life but do not allow it to take over your life- you have the power .

Having issues with work or maybe some people at work ? Or maybe it’s your circle of friends or family ? Don’t ignore it or get mad or tell others all the negative- access the issues and be honest, be honest with yourself and with them.
Whatever you do , try to take time in the day to silence everything and everybody and just think of the good, of the people that believe in YOU and the beauty all around you.

There are bad people that do not ultimately care about you and maybe you are in a tough situation financially or work is a bad environment- get over it and understand that is just life, don’t just complain- do something about it ,
Take baby steps but before change can occur you first have to recognize the problem and confront the issues but do not allow THEM to win - to take your power.

These are lessons and the streams down the river that we all must follow.

So on the way remember to breathe in , look around and appreciate your life , appreciate the gift ..
Find the beauty

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Looking for Beauty?Don't look my way.I have an FM face....I belong on the radio....