Saturday, November 4, 2017


We only have so much oxygen in a day .. use it to help move things forward and help.
Do not waste your time arguing or being angry or listening to bull shit.

You know when someone is bull shitting you or when they only have their interest at heart so do not waste your oxygen. You should always give everyone a chance, hear them out and speak your mind but if they reveal themselves to be fake or simply do not want to listen to another side then move on.
Always be polite, do not burn any bridges but also do not waste your time..
Time is precious.
In order to learn and move forward you need to use your day and your oxygen properly -
Organize- plan- have goals- and always approach the day on a positive!

What can you do today to help someone?
What can you do to reach your goals ?

Remember- you only have so much oxygen-

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