Growing up we seek approval, first from our parents , then our peers and teachers, we seem to always have the need to impress others to confirm what we are doing matters.
As we grow up we try to impress our boss so we can get that promotion or raise or maybe even just that atta boy.
Wanting to impress may come from daddy issues, maybe our father did not give us those hugs or positive reenforcements when we needed it or maybe we had to drop out of school so those with a higher education intimated us, whatever our reasons we all normally strive to impress.
Nothing wrong with striving to do better but sometimes in order to try to impress others we may compromise too much and maybe lose a bit of ourselves.
As we get older and we do not need as much we start to let go of all that , at least I hope we do because only then can we start to regain some of that real childhood magic. The childhood magic of those very young ages when you just had plain fun and you did things because you wanted to do them not because you had to and you never judged others.
Then within that time by realeasing worrying so much about yourself you can do even more for others and that is when we truly start smiling from within and doing God’s work.
Life is certainly a journey and self reflection is a big part of it, I am certainly not the same person I was 40 years ago and I hope to keep learning and growing and letting go of the material things and embracing life itself- I wish the same for you.
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