I was speaking to a friend this morning at the gym that I belong , he works for the Subaru dealership close to the gym, I asked him how he liked it there and he said , it’s all right I guess.
When I asked him what he did not like about working there he said there seems to be no organization and no one to address how to improve, his boss he said rarely comes out of his office and rarely works a full work week.
His story is repeated by many of my friends in all walks of life and different occupations, from selling cars or insurance or working for a school system or hospital or a moving company , the issues and the stories are all very similar.
Nothing is getting done people.. and we are not producing our best in most cases.
What changed?
My theory is less of our leaders worked their way up the ladder therefore they do not respect the process or the workers and most probably have no idea what goes in to the day to day.
Those at the top care about one main thing- keeping their job and making more money.
Believe it or not I am an optimist , always have been, I like to see the good in everyone. I am not saying these things because I have been wronged or that “ the man “ has screwed me over, I say these things because I also observe those around me and I have seen an erosion of leadership.
An erosion of leadership in all areas, in our politics, in our buisneses and even with young families.
With more one parent families or with both parents working all the time who is laying the foundation for our kids? Day care?
It is all happening right before our eyes and the changes I see are not positive, though I remain an optimist I am concerned how this all gets turned around.
As the people in power grow that only have their best interest at heart how can that buisness grow?
As the middle class struggles to make ends week how can they devote their time to the most important thing that they will ever do in life- raise their kids?
All we can do is stay positive, speak up and try to always SEE the other guy and try to improve your situation, no matter how minor or small.
Don’t just give up and say, oh well that is just how it is-
Be the change- stay positive.