Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My Political Wish List

Here is my Political Wish List -

- Get big money out of politics , elections and lobbyists
I know this is unrealistic but this is MY wish list, we opened the door by allowing businesses and corporations to give to whom they want in elections and of course they are one sided and want to profit so they will do whatever necessary to get politicians in their back pocket.

- No speech writers
I was younger when I realized that the speech I was listening to was not the words of the man speaking, I think it may have been Reagan. I want to know what the person thinks not his or her army of professional writers.

- Real Time Fact Checker
With today's technology we can fact check and Google anything within seconds, we should fact check every politician in real time, have a banner running right below them as they speak.

- Term Limits
We must have term limits for all Senators and Congressmen, back at the beginning of this grand experiment in Democracy George Washington did not want a third term because he knew that the Presidency needed term limits. He knew that as a nation and to hold true democracy we did. Not want the Presidentcy to be a dictatorship or to be a king, the same must happen for Senators and Congressmen. With the same politicians in office for decades they are always in reelection form and become to be holding to the people and businesses and lobbyists keeping them alive.

One can dream...that is MY dream and wish list for this great experiment of the United States of America....still the land of opportunity!

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