Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tell them "Why"

The most most important ingredient in coaching or managing or teaching is explain " why".
Too many managers bark out orders but do not explain or train as to why.
Do not assume that they know, explain the bigger picture, let them know why you are asking them to do what you are asking. Who will it effect? What will transpire because of their actions?
If they understand it more they will be able to see the why and then they will begin to grow and take on more responsibility.
How did you learn ?
Most likely you learned your best lessons in real time and on the job but you most likely had someone take the time to explain the why.
You are doing a gross mis justice to your help and employees if you do not take the time to train them properly and let them know the domino effect that takes place from their actions and words.

Tell them "Why"

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