Sunday, April 5, 2015

Treating people

If you live your life with just one simple rule-
Treat people the way that you would like to treated-
You will have a good life.

It is as simple as that-
I realize that it is easier said then done but actually when you make it your life's rule and you live by it daily it actually becomes easier.
Most times we carry anger over of some kind of bigotry I or bias and clouds are responses or how we treat people.

Step back, take a minute to listen to yourself and think - how would you fell? How would you react to your tone or inflictions or accusations?

Forgiveness is a big part of it too.
We tend to think because someone hurt us or did us wrong we have a pass to do the same.
Don't lower yourself to that mentality.
Challenge yourself to be better than that, to be bigger than that.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.- It will come back to you ten fold and you will be a happier person.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

My Momma taught me,to look at every decision,how,my choice would effect others....I've always followed that.Everything major in my life,I had to look at EVERY angle,then make my choice after thinking long and hard....