Monday, October 13, 2014

More on accountabilty

Conversely, a leader that effectively holds themselves accountable will see the following positive results through their organizational influence:
  • Employee engagement — staff will be more willing to put in the necessary effort when they know their leader(s) are “open book” and willing to accept correction.
  • Cohesive team alignment — by holding themselves responsible, leaders will adopt the organization’s core values as their own and fold the rest of their team(s) into those values.
  • Enhanced trust — they will build lasting trust as someone who will correct any errors and take responsibility for lapses in judgment.
  • Sharpened skills by working within a behavioral framework – a leader will grow in resourceful and creative ways by working within an established model of conduct and develop business in that context.
There appears to be a surge of demand for self-accountability again, as indicated by many news articles and blog posts are attempting to address the lack of leadership accountability in many industries.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"Employee engagement — staff will be more willing to put in the necessary effort when they know their leader(s) are “open book” and willing to accept correction.".
My thoughts on this would be no one in a leadership position would accept correction...It's just too harsh a word....Accept suggestions,maybe....The whole point goes back to a glass house mentality,open door,EVERYTHING in view...