Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just wired different

Today's generation is just wired different, for that matter even my generation is wired different from the one before me.

My parents generation ( they were born in the early 1900's) lived through the depression and were on the lower end of  the middle class.
They worked two to three jobs at a time and never bought anything unless they could pay for it.
Credit cards were not around- maybe Lay-A-Way but that was it.

So when something needed fixing around the house they did it or they had a friend or relative help and they would return the favor somewhere.

Now we hire people to even cut our lawns...my father had someone to cut our lawn...ME.

It is amazing to see the difference in generations.
I do think that we are wired different from the times that we are brought up. I know that my parents generation appreciated what they had and wanted for little.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

I remember my kids at 6-7 years old,complaining about the rider being slow cutting the 3 front acres.....I had a shipper give me one of the old REEL type push mowers that I took home,gave to them...Then at that point,they
stayed with the slow rider....The new generation just wants the easy way....