Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Breaking News

Breaking News.....
There are Bad people in the world, people that lie, cheat and steal. People that only care about themselves and are incompetent and mean. There are people that will back stab and do whatever it takes to build themselves up.

Breaking News - Right?
Wrong- there has always been and will always be the Lex Luther's of the world and evil.
What do you do? How can you defend yourself from so many?

You can start by not giving them Power- Your Power-
You have the power every day do live in the world that YOU want- to be positive and look beyond those people.
Come to the realization that no matter what you think and what you do THEY will exist.
Stop being angry about THEM and start living the moment, YOUR life and the way you want to see it.

Bad will still happen to you, people will still anger you BUT do NOT give them the power to make YOU one of them. Learn to work WITH them, to try to understand , perhaps, why they even may be what they are or how they are.

Most times I find that angry people are angry because they do not like their life or maybe even they do like them selves. They just do not know how to dig out and like anything else "angry" becomes  a habit.  The crazy thing is people that are negative and angry do not have many people , if any, that care enough about them to be totally honest with them and have the want to at least tell them that they are a shit. Thus they continue to spin their web of hate and loneliness.

Kind of a shame actually.

Keep YOUR power and do not ALLOW them to win.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

This whole post is simple...Controlling your emotions,not letting things get to,or upset you at any cost.....This ain't that hard...Just ignore the bullshit...Call the cops,if that's what's needed,to eliminate the problems...Most of this is pointed at our labor...SIMPLE FIX...Rely on guys your friends have used.They have been checked out...