Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Stay focused

Stay focused on what is important and don't sweat the small stuff.
And remember most stuff is small.
We have a tendency to allow the curve balls to throw us off or ruin our day.
When something goes wrong we need to talk about it and relive it, sometimes several times a day.
Let it go. Stay focused.

What is important?

At the end of the day, are you still standing? Did you learn anything?
And most important - did you help someone?
Did you help make somebody's day?
Sometimes all it may have taken was a smile or a " good morning" or a " thank you".

Stay focused on your goal.
Not just your day's goal but your long range goal.

What is your long ranged goal?

You should know what your goals are so that you can remind yourself on what is important and you can work toward it.
No matter what your goal I guarantee you that you that you cannot achieve it alone.
You need allies, you need friends, you need support.

So smile, and stay focused.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

The season is here...AGAIN....This post is so important"Stay focused on what is important and don't sweat the small stuff.
And remember most stuff is small.
We have a tendency to allow the curve balls to throw us off or ruin our day.
When something goes wrong we need to talk about it and relive it, sometimes several times a day.
Let it go. Stay focused."and we all need to re-FOCUS,get in on,keep the door closed,and get it unloaded.....