Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Some bullet points to work on...

  1. Hold yourself and others to high standards.
  2. Solve problems don’t make them. Be a can-do rather than a can’t-do person.
  3. Acknowledge what you can’t do; focus on what you can.
  4. Finish stuff.
  5. Ask questions.
  6. Be persistent.
  7. Practice generosity.
  8. Avoid impulsive decisions.
  9. Call out the elephant in the room.
  10. Cultivate an inner circle who believes in you.
  11. Say what you think with candor and kindness.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"Call out the elephant in the room."I think that one is was past my level of "deep understanding"it needs some explanation....Maybe stand up to bullies or really pushy people?