Monday, November 4, 2013

Prep..prep ...prep

Drivers.. when you arrive at residence..

Have a door pad in your hand, give the shipper your card...AND pad the front door as an appetizer...Explain to them, this is WHAT WE DO!

This goes with first impressions....

This is the MOST important part of a successful move, put the customer at ease right away.
Better yet...SHOW THEM.

How you approach them and prep the house sets the table for the entire process.
You can win them over and gain their trust or you can add to their anxiety and concern.
The choice is yours.

Now that you know how to do the hard part of packing, loading and wrapping that furniture you have to do the easy part... communicate and prepare the house before you touch a stick.

Prep, prep, prep

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

WHERESTHELIKEBUTTON????Been preaching that for a LONG time...NO second chance for a first impression...