Tuesday, November 5, 2013

From Driver Skip...

Road Warrior has left a new comment on your post "Being your own boss":

" but after they closed their trailer doors they could roll down the road being responsible for just them and the customers in their trailer.
I cannot over emphasize the importance of that exhale.".I had one of those days yesterday,5000 pounds with(I kid you not)3500 feet of carry AND,a non-dedicated elevator...That's not the best part,I set a record,the longest carry EVER for one item...It was a glass case,glass on 3 sides and a mirror in the back.I padded it then covered it in cardboard and shrink wrapped it with a whole roll.The size was 4 1/2 feet wide,8 feet tall,and 3 1/2 feet thick..It would not fot in the evevator,or the stairs...AND had to go up 4 floors....The record was over 1 mile of carry,4 of us on this item,back out of the building,down the street,turn left,follow that street to the end of the building,to the parking garage(?).Then follow the ramp all the way to the top floor,4 floors later we got in the side door by the elevator,and the rest of the 3000 feet to the Condo....YES-IT FELT GREAT JUST TO GET THE DOORS CLOSED!4 of us were there 7 hours,on 5000 pounds....

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