Times have certainly changed in the last few decades. We have written about many of them here in the blog, from computers and cell phones to how we conduct business every day.
In the driver's world it has become a lot less personal out there on the road. Drivers would always talk to each other on the CB or at truck stops or even at weigh stations. If a driver was somewhere overnight and another driver was near by chances are they would getting together to talk the night away and break bread.
See below from road driver Skip....
MAN,I got famous with the ribeyes....In Fairfied,Ca.,way back when....Used to feed even the cooks/waitresses,off my grill.Never cost me anything but time.They would take collections for the weekend meat,and off to costco I’d go.....THOSE WERE THE DAYS....
Those were the days and still can be, take the time to say out there on the road and try to bring back what it was that you loved about driving in the first place.
The freedom, the places and meeting people.

1 comment:
Yes,the times are a changin....HAVE CHANGED!This was brought on by another driver from our company parking behind me.I had all my trailer doors open and was inside with music,folding pads and cleaning...He parked,went inside...AND LEFT....In my younger days...I'd have asked someone with their doors open if they needed help...It must be all about the ME generation.....What can we do to get more camaraderie in our fleet?
I've many party stories,the best one was a four day weekend at the Evergreen Truckstop up in Seattle...There were six of us all parked up front by noon Friday-all next to each other....I had my full sized grill,they ALL knew,and for the whole 4 days,we,helped each other fold pads,set up the boxes,PARTIED,AND cooked all weekend....The grilling started with chicken,went to hamburgers,porkchops,a whole ham,ribeyes,t-bones,and the final was confusing on my part......2 trailers 5 feet apart,tarps on top to keep the rain out....Grill kicking every minute......For 4 Days....
The best part of this story was the last day,Monday'bout 3 oclock.....I was ready to put the grill away,a refer driver walked by and noticed the grill,”JEEZE,a grill,want to cook some tuna?”Ya'sure,he came back with a tuna Filet FROZEN,had to be 10 pounds...I had no way to cut it,and,a flatbed driver had a crosscut saw that we washed and used to cut 1 inch Tuna steaks for the end of the weekend....Life is good,ILOVEMYJOB......
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