Monday, July 30, 2018

Look at me

It is amazing to watch how people love the “selfie”.
I think it does tell a lot about ourselves and the times, I watch as people rush the stage at a live concert so they can take a selfie, then stand there in hold their phone in front of their face and video tape the band and singer so instead of absorbing and experiencing the moment they are worried about recording it so they play it back on their little devices and re-live what they should have been living.
With Facebook and Instagram and other social sites everyone loves to see themselves-
Hey Look at Me -
They have to show their friends that they are happy and whatever they are doing is “the best”.
What do you think that says about us? About our times ?
Are we truly enjoying the moment?
Do we get so self absorbed that we do not SEE the other person or just enjoy doing “ nothing “ ?
In order to keep up with the “ Jones’s” do we have to buy that expensive ticket to that extravagant show? Do not get me wrong I of all people have spent a small fortune through the years on concerts and live events but I truly do it because I love it and music and good musical can transport me to another place- my happy place.
So do what makes YOU happy and try not to feel the need to take a selfie and post everything little thing you do- take in the moment-
After all life is made up of moments- don’t miss them worrying about what others think.

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