Friday, July 6, 2018


Greed is an ugly motivator
If your goal is simply to work to make more money so you can buy more things then you are probably missing the point of this whole experiment called life.
There must be more to life then just working so you can buy stuff.
There is so much beauty around us and most of spend our days stressing out inside an office building so we can bring home a paycheck.
In a lyric from Tom Capin he says “ we give up our sunshine so we can buy what we need “.
Pretty big sacrifice wouldn’t you say ?
Ant what do we actually NEED ?
And when do we know we are at then of our working days so we can slow down and look around and just stop stressing ?
You hold the Power - only you have the answers -
Greed will pull you down and eat you up.
Want for less and give more and lighten your load.

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