Friday, January 5, 2018

Following Through

Anyone can promise anything or make any resolution that they want...
It’s the following though and the follow up that matters.

Did you give someone your word on something? Or did you promise yourself something?
Talk is cheap and so are promises.
You need to follow it up, if it includes other parties doing their job then you are still NOT off the hook... follow up. Make those calls and drop those emails.
You are only as good as your word.

If someone else dropped the ball in the chain that effected what you promised- guess what?...
It is still on YOU.


If you made a resolution or promise to yourself then whatever it is- make it a habit.
To form a habit you need to do it for 30 straight days - did you promise to lose weight? Eat healthy?
Be more attentive to your loved ones? Exercise more? Return every work email promptly ?
All very good resolutions but only if you follow up and follow through.
You can do it but you need to WANT to do it.

We only have one life.... don’t waste it wishing ... take charge.

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