Monday, January 8, 2018


Learn to Delagate ...
My first manager, back in the late 70’s, was a great guy and worked very hard but his biggest issue as a manager is he never delagated properly. He would just do everything himself, I had to take stuff from him or he would literally do it all and that would not have been healthy for him, me or the business.
It is imperative that the boss or manager know the process and also set the example but he also needs to know how to train and delegate - and most important follow up and inspect what you expect.
A healthy business always has employees that can multi task and that can do the work of the guy they sit next to or works close with. Their roles should be interchangeable and it is up to the manager or boss to create that environment.
Set the example but delegate... and follow up.
You should always be in training mode.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

And feed responsibility...I see this every day,things that could be taken care of and are pushed up to someone else...Most of it is no brain stuff,but to defend the managers,most have been taken advantage of so many times they are scared to let go....Just puts more stress on everyone...