Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Passionate about work

Passionate about work

Leaders need to be passionate about their work. You should take time to identify the aspects in your leadership role that you enjoy doing. These are the things that motivate you to arrive at work on a daily basis and captivate your attention while at work. Start the process by finding and focusing on your areas of strengths. Your enjoyment level and strengths are closely connected with each other. When you consistently work in areas of your strengths your satisfaction and enjoyment level will increase. This allows your passion to shine brightly through.

At the same time you should avoid or delegate the tasks that leave you drained or unfulfilled. These have the potential to be passion deflators. Spending most of your time in these areas will drain your energy and passion. Make sure to spend at least 80 percent of your time doing the things that you enjoy and are passionate about while spending 20 percent of your time on less enjoyable tasks. Increase your passion at work by focusing on your strengths or areas you enjoy working in while limiting the areas you despise or don’t like.

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