Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Steps to Delegate Effectively.

Steps to Delegate Effectively.

1. Ensure expectations are clear.
Be specific, clear, and complete about the task, goals, responsibilities, constraints, what a good job looks like and how performance will be evaluated. Clarify at the beginning the amount and type of supervision you will provide and how the progress will be monitored.

2. Grant authority.
Grant the authority needed to do the job. Let all who will be affected know about the delegation.

3. Provide needed support and resources.
Provide all information that is available and relevant; pass on other information as it becomes available. Give public credit when they succeed, but deal with mistakes discretely.

4. Get out of the way.
Do not interfere or take the delegation back unless it is clear that corrective action is necessary. Do not supervise too closely. “Post-delegation hovering” is demoralizing and will interfere with their commitment and effectiveness.

5. Don’t accept “upward delegation.”
Make it a policy that if someone brings a problem to you, they must also bring proposed solutions. Don’t become the person who solves their problems or you will end up taking on their work.

6. Maintain accountability.
It should be clear that your direct report has the responsibility for seeing the job well done. But remember that the ultimate accountability remains with you.

7. Delegate consistently.
Make delegation a regular practice, not just when you are overloaded or when tasks are unpleasant.

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