Wednesday, May 20, 2015


What is your tone?

Your tone and how you say things is just as important or even more so then what you say.
Your body motions and your tone tells the story.
Beware of your words and how you respond, especially if you are upset or do not agree.
If your tone or body language shouts that you disagree you may lose the battle before you even begin.

I fall into this all the time, especially in our busy season. I am normally handling a few fires at the same time and I carry things over to the next conversation without even realizing it, or at least I do not realize it in real time. I may hang up and know that I had just handled that call the wrong way but in the moment my tone was saying I just don't give a crap.

The best thing to do is to try to take a deep breath and try to focus in the moment. Sometimes that is easier said then done but if that does not work simply put off the call for a few minutes until you get a chance to gather yourself.

Remember people are always watching and listening - not only to what you say but how you say it.

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