Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What could YOU have done ?

From Driver of the Year...Skip...

"Try to not point blame is something goes wrong but reflect on what YOU could have done to prevent it. You can get angry all day and say that it was somebody else's job but if it effects YOUR job then ultimately YOU are responsible.",
YES, even with the limited knowledge we get about our job, we can fix things BEFORE, we get there...See the picture, simply looking at the address from Google maps...The center house, with the pond and pool, is a SHUTTLE...We can prepare....WAY ahead of the loading time.. .INVESTIGATE! Prevent issues!

Always call the shipper and ask the right questions...Packing done? Truck access ?I always arrive early, tell my shippers they will see me before 7 AM, but I won't bother them until 8...At that point I've seen what I need to see and have an hour to fix issues before they become issues...

I also grew tired of being a taxi...Transporting labor(picked up at the agent at 8am)to residence, and starting on the job at 10....Now, if they can't get there(yes, I do kick in for gas)they don't work.....Early start, early finish..

Big pack and loads.. I try to get done with the pack by 3 pm, normally, cut the guys loose to start taking things apart, and padding after each room is inventoried.. Nothing is loaded on the first day....Then imagine the shipper walking around in the house, seeing shrink wrap, everything padded, no wood showing...ALL NIGHT LONG!...The next am they are on your side, and the job will be done by 3 pm....

It ain't that hard.

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