Sunday, December 28, 2014


You trust your team members with your life.

 There's nothing more important than trust. And at first, it's nearly impossible to know who to trust. After many failures, one's sense of "trust" almost evolves into a "gut feeling". Sometimes it's like meeting the right partner in life--you know, when you know.
 On the startup roller coaster ride, at times it feels like I am just hanging off of a ledge, but I can always "see" the helping hands of my team members, pulling me back to safety and saying, "We got you."
Some questions to ask yourself:
  • If I were in a bad situation, will my team member drop everything and come to my rescue?
  • Can I count on him/her to have my back?
  • Is there any information hiding or untruthful behavior?
Rounding up the right team can be difficult but is crucial for running a successful business.

Complementary skills, a shared vision, and trust are three key ingredients to ensure you have the best group possible behind you as you take on the challenge of disrupting an industry and change the world.

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