Monday, December 15, 2014

Carry that weight

We all carry weight...we take our past with us.

As Jackson Browne says in one of his songs " no matter how fast I run I can never run away from me".  We all fight memories of growing up, which actually seems so silly but it is true.
Our foundation is poured before we even have a choice.
And believe me we all have stories and weight to carry.

Some people grow up with one struggling parent or maybe no parents. Some grow up with alcoholism or abuse and they see and hear it in their heads every day.
Some grow up in poverty or alone.
There always was bulling but with today's technology cyber bulling is a whole other weight.

Many things that are completely out of our control yet we allow them to dictate our path and our reactions.
That is why the " Let it Go " principal is so important but it is easier said then done.
It normally takes a lot of self reflection and honest communications.
It is a daily chore and commitment.

Don't allow yesterday or people that may have hurt you control you or your life.

You have the power.

Move Forward.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Today is not the important date....Getting through tomorrow....One foot in front of the other...Anger just creates more issues..Let it go....