Sunday, November 23, 2014


What makes some leaders stand out from the rest?

It has to do with their ability to think decisively. The best leaders evaluate their options, weigh in on the alternatives, connect the dots, and look for potential in order to make informed decisions. -

Open-ended questions, in particular, help you get to the heart of the matter. Start with Why?, How?, What?, and Where?

 Embracing different points of view. As a leader, you need to be able to take advantage of the diversity in your team (and board, if you have one) to help you see things from different perspectives. The best leaders see and make use of the insights that everyone has to offer. They look for different opinions and ideas, because they know those differences lead to better decisions.

 Leading with agility. As the old saying goes, the only constant is change—and the variables are always shifting and adjusting.

 Leading through change requires an open mind that can see opportunity in every situation. Keeping an open mind. In the complex world of business, a leader with an open mind will find potential by sizing up all the answers, holding on to differences of opinion, and taking in all the variables to see clearly. -

Lead From Within: Be the leader who knows that nothing is as it seems. There is always uncertainty; there is always ambiguity. Be clever enough to size things up, connect the dots, see the potential, and act decisively when no one else can. -

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"It has to do with their ability to think decisively. The best leaders evaluate their options, weigh in on the alternatives, connect the dots, and look for potential in order to make informed decisions",and really great leaders realize their OWN shortcomings,delegate authority to someone who knows more....Then there are others who just try to bullsh*t their way through life,and don't last very long...."I don't know nothing about birthing no babies" goes a LONG WAY....