Friday, February 28, 2014


Your reputation follows you.

No matter where you go or how fast you run you cannot outrun your reputation.

That is why it is important to always do a good and to treat everyone with respect. If things are not working out where you are then correct the issues , be positive, try to be the change- reach out.
Do all you can to make it work and in the end if for whatever reason it does not change for the positive then move on.
 But leave right.
No need to get ugly...nothing good will come from that.

Good or bad it is YOUR reputation that is effected.

I talk to many people in all kind of businesses and the stories are all similar.
Every business has it's share of challenges and issues.
It is what YOU do and how you meet the challenges that makes the difference.

If you get angry and frustrated every day over what others do or don't do you will always be unhappy.

Do your best- worry about your house and work on improving what you do and how you communicate.

No one ever said it would be easy.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

The more times I read this....I see other options,such as maybe both sides need to back up and look at the causes and the way things end...Such as,maybe one driver who is so nasty,that rules get put into effect that can control the way everyone else does business....The example would be one guy who over advances,complaining,bitching,and get his way,then the next guy(who really needs help)has a fight because of the taste left in the mouth from the last guy...We all need to realize,everyone is different,everyone has different circumstances,and the thoughts need to be cleared before new discussions begin...One drivers rep,may screw other drivers actions...One at a time....