Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Make no Excuses

Make No Excuses:

  Leaders cannot make excuses for their own shortcomings or bad behavior if they want to convey the notion of being in it together. I've witnessed leaders who routinely expressed the many ways in which they were less than exemplary leaders; as if by recognizing their own faults they were excused for correcting their own behavior.

If a leader is to hold their team to a high standard then they must be held to the same. No excuses for bad behavior should be made or deemed acceptable.

Leader and staff act as one in organizations using the In It Together Imperative. There is an omnipresent sense within such companies that every employee, from the CEO to the cleaning crew that sweeps the floors at night, shares common goals, demonstrates similar behaviors and communicates in timely and effective ways.  ( This was Paul Arpin's philosophy)

It's a simple formula, but, one that can transform if applied in an open and honest way.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."  -" John Quincy Adams"

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