Saturday, July 13, 2019

See Below

I have a few “pet peeves”  in business

One would be people that do not answer a email or text , that is just plain disrespectful. You should answer every correspondence in a timely manner, if you do not know the answer or are too busy for a complete response at least let the person know that you have received their inquiry and are working on it and will get back with them shortly... and then be sure to get back with them.

My other “pet peeve” is - See Below...
That is when someone forwards you a email chain and simply says- SEE BELOW-
Now you are suppose to start reading from the bottom of the email chain to read all exchanges to piece together just what you are suppose to be looking for.
Can you get more lazy?
At least summarize at the top what it is exactly you are asking or wanting help or answers on, if you want to send the email chain for content fine but please do not just FORWARD with -
See Below.

These are both plain common courtesies in business and in life.
Take the time to be a good partner or co employee or just a respectful person, we are all busy and have days that can get away from us so do not use the excuse of you were too busy.

Everything is habit... get in exercise of good habits and stop being lazy !

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