Monday, July 8, 2019

Always want to improve

Always want to improve.
The smartest business man I ever knew, Paul Arpin, said he was always learning and he said that when he was in his eighties and right up to the day he left this life.
He said it and he lived it.
Paul never acted as if he was the smartest man in the room, he would listen in meetings much more then he actually spoke but he absorbed it all in and it helped him make his decisions.
Paul always wanted to improve, not only himself but the processes around him.
You should being taking notes on the hiccups and issues that arise, your first objective is to fix the issues immediately and your next objective should be to try to prevent those same issues in the future.
Sometimes that can be easier said then done because it may involve change and change in other departments or employees so how and when to discuss the changes are as vital as wanting to change.
Do your homework- have thoughtful suggestions and most of all what your timing and your approach.
You do want people to get defensive and remember people always get defensive and do not like change.
Always strive to improve!

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