Saturday, May 11, 2019


Opinions- we have our own opinions
Here’s the thing about opinions, it is only welcomed when asked for and even then it may be shut down or cut short, so when do you voice your opinion?
If you continue to just shout your opinions against the wind and when unwelcome then your voice will simply not be heard or will just anger the other side.
So what to do ? If you do not voice your opinion you feel as if you are not doing your duty or you start to feel as if your opinion does not matter and from there you start to feel as if you do not matter.
You should always hold true to your opinions, to your voice , in order to be heard and hopefully conduct real change you need to also develop the most important tool of listening.
Listen and then listen some more and read between the lines , watch for body language and pick your spots before you intervene. You may even be best to sleep on it , just like you should never bang out a angry reply on email, it is ok to write it but minimize it and sit on it before you send it because after a few hours you will reread it and maybe decide to say it differently or maybe not at all at that tome.
Same thing when holding a conversation, you may be best to zip it and think about it more before you jump in, once words are spoken they are awfully hard to pull back.
Opinions are important, they are your views and you should always feel as if you have a voice but choose your moments and mostly remember unless they ask you directly they may not be ready to hear other opinions at that time.

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