Monday, May 6, 2019

Love and Ego

Everyone loves to be loved
Everyone also has an Ego
Both are issues when speaking the truth and with seeing the truth.
We do not like to ruffle feathers or take a chance on making to a “not nice” list so we shy away from speaking out so we end up just going along, the problem with that is it eats away at us and hurts our chances of helping in the process and in growing in our jobs.
On the other hand because of our Ego we do not like to hear honest observations , especially when they are counter intuitive to our “ plan” or our thoughts so we may push back or shut those out that speak out.
If you truly want to lift that weight off your shoulders then be very sensitive to people around you that want to help and want to speak up and give their thoughts - it is a very good thing to encourage involvement and discussion.
Work on recognizing your weaknesses, both your ability to speak truth and your inner most ego and your fostering of true discussions. 
People can look but never really see and you can hear but never really listen.

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