Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Be yourself and worry less

  1. The biggest regrets come from pleasing other people. A Buddhist monk said if you meditated for 20 years the final message you would arrive at is, "Be yourself."
  2. Talk to new people. All opportunities come from the people you meet. It's humans who make things happen, nothing else.
  3. Focus on your strengths, always. Crafting your strengths will get you much further than improving your weaker areas. Let your strengths shine and don't apologize for them!
  4. Say no and don't feel guilty about it. Martha Beck put it best, "When it comes to saying yes or no to something or someone, choose the answer that feels like freedom."
  5. Forgive others no matter what they did to you. This is like inner-peace on a platter. BUT you don't have to be friends with people who've hurt you.
  1. Worry less. As happiness researcher Shawn Achor says, "Adversities, no matter what they are, simply don't hit us as hard as we think they will. Our fear of consequences is always worse than the consequences themselves."

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