Wednesday, December 12, 2018


We all see approval
Who are seeking approval from ?
Your boss ? Your father ? Your friends?
The one person that you should be concerned the most about - is you.
We are brought up wanting to please our parents , no matter what are parents do , and it is not until we grow older that we realize that our pRents are human too and have their struggles and baggage but we many of us still travel through life trying to seek their approval. Sometimes we substitute our parents with our bossses and do our best to obtain their approval, they too have their struggles and motives and baggage but we try to do our best because they hold our chances of promotions and raises in their hands so we chase their approval.
As you grow older we all have experiences of being hurt or let down or used and begin to understand that all those people that we fought so hard to get approval from mostly had their own agendas and their own demons to fight and we may have wasted too much time and energy trying to please them when we should have spent more time simply trying to please ourselves.
Simply your life and lessen your weight- what do YOU want in life ?
Do your best , be honest and be honest with yourself , embrace the moments in the course of a day and try to smile and make someone else smile every day.
Seek your own approval

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