Friday, December 28, 2018

A Tell

tell in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player's assessment of their hand. A player gains an advantage if they observe and understand the meaning of another player's tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable. Sometimes a player may fake a tell, hoping to induce their opponents to make poor judgments in response to the false tell. More often, people try to avoid giving out a tell, by maintaining a poker face regardless of how strong or weak their hand is.
In life “ A Tell” is someone who is racist - if a person is racist toward anyone they are telling you that they think they are superior and if they think they are superior to anyone they also feel as if they are “better” then others. If they think they are superior it will also show in their work life and their personal relationships.
I despise racist and bullies and they one of the same, do not accept bullying or rasism in any form and do not allow it around you because it may not be you today but it may be you tomorrow.
Do not give “them” oxygen and do not give them any power whatsoever ever over you -
We are ALL equal.

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