Monday, November 5, 2018

Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap
I have sat in way too many meetings with “ the higher ups” and all they do is talk- the greater their title the more they like to hear themselves talk.
My mentor and best business man I ever knew was a Paul Arpin and his meetings were short and sweet and to the point and when you left the room there was a direction and you had best follow up because he sure was going to.
Also when I worked for him he would tell me to avoid other meetings if possible because all they do is waste your time , time that you should be using for something productive.
The problem in most businesses now are the leaders did not work their way up like a Paul did so they simply don’t get it and definitely do not respect the workers that they are supposed to be leading.
Paul respected everyone and expected you to - do your job. He respected honesty and read right through the bull shit.
Talk is cheap- talk less and listen more - watch and learn.
As much as Paul knew he would say he was always learning.

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