Thursday, June 14, 2018

Choose wisely

Choose your leaders wisely.
Do you run a department or crews ? Are you a boss or Director or VP ?

If you are in a position where it is your responsibility to make things work than you need to be sure you have the right people doing the right job.

You do that by paying attention, watching and listening- YOU need to take responsibility and do not procrastinate, if it looks as if someone is struggling fix it. You need to evaluate what they are good at and what are their weaknesses and either reassign them , encourage them ,  help push them up the ladder or if you have say good bye then do it- just don’t procrastinate.
You do harm to the process and the team and the person themselves if you are not honest.

Not every good employee is a good leader - that is ok, you do not need all leaders and some people either have it in their DNA or they don’t.
It is up to you to see IT and encourage it or move  things around.

And you need to understand is it the person or the process that is failing ?
Was the person trained properly ?

Honest discussions and moving people around or having tough reprimands are very hard but if you are not having them then YOU are the problem- maybe you are just not cut out to be leader.
That’s ok too - be honest with yourself is most important and will lead to you are not only doing a good job but being happy.

And at the end of the day isn’t that what we all want?

Choose Wisely

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