Saturday, May 5, 2018

Real Freedom

Lyrics from Jackson Browne’s song- walls and doors-

-There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
I'm going to say that again
Because I know you know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it

We hold the key to real freedom but after our first full time job most of us surrender it to the “man” our ever loving jobs - so we give up our sunshine to buy what we need - or think we need.
That is why we look back at childhood with such fondness and we love looking at the world through the eyes of children because that is when we were Free.

There can be freedom only when nobody else owns it ... think about it.
Do not allow money to enslave you , Yes we all need to work so we can provide and have a roof over our heads and food on the table but do not mix up need and want and do not allow your work to enslave you.

Keep your power and choose what is important and follow that.

Make it your goal to find real freedom... to look at life through the eyes of a child.

That my friend is life- that is freedom !

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