Thursday, May 10, 2018


What does friendship mean to you ?

Are “ friends” people that can help you ? Are they people that at that moment in time help you advance in your job or help you obtain access to something or somebody?

If your friend goes through tough times or changes jobs are they still “ friends “ ?
I was brought up that a friend is a friend for life , through thick or thin.

I have tried to help a lot of people along my way and I can honestly say that I have no hate in my heart , even for those that use my name in vain or miss represent the truth. Deep down they know what I did for them or what happened in a particular circumstance. I have always tried to look at both sides, I understand why people may lie or try to throw me under the bus and most times it is because of either insecurities or they fear their own job- I get it.

Even though I get it - it still hurts - it hurts mostly because I feel the person themselves are really only hurting themselves and most of all they do not understand the power of real friendship.

Listen to yourself - to prove a point or to gain access are you talking negative or are you turning your back on friend or talking out of school ?
Just ask yourself- is it worth it ?
In the end- who can you really trust if you continue to just throw friendships away ?

Who was there for you ? And why are people pushing you to turn on who was a friend?
Are they personally motivated?

Do not follow- lead
Be positive

Be a friend

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew before she stood there and pointed to centerfield that you were my friend. Today,tomorrow and on, we are lifetime friends...
If you ask me how I know this, well grab your coffee and sit down because its quite the story...