Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple needs

As my mother's health started to fade in her mid eighties she once told me that she missed just walking around the mall and going to Newport Creamery for lunch with her friends.

My mother never finished High School and worked two jobs most of her life and brought up three kids and did laundry and cleaned the house, all pretty much by herself.

She never complained, never. And she never ever said a bad word about anybody.

When she retired in her 60's she volunteered to help deliver meals to the elderly and the poor and  home bound with Meals on Wheels.

After that she just enjoyed walking around the local Mall with her friend and having lunch.

After all is said and done that is what she missed the most.....a simple woman..enjoying simple things.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I wish I had walked around the mall with her more often. I will have a sundae at Newport Creamery in her honor. Love you.