Saturday, March 31, 2012

More on step 2- GOALS

Goals are simply the means you use to reach your dreams.
You start out with short-term goals that are easily attainable to get into the habit of improvement; then you make the goals more demanding as you begin to have success.

Be able to admit your weaknesses and establish short-term goals to overcome them. Don't make your goals unrealistic; keep raising the bar to make sure that you are pushing yourself. You can always do more then you think you can do. Don't be content with small successes. Use those small successes to generate larger successes. The key is to keep creating demanding goals for yourself, goals that will allow you to reach your full potential.

Hard work is not always fun, but it's the price you must pay to be more successful.

Keep your eyes on your dream and constantly tell yourself that your hard work and effort is one day going to be worth it, that there's going to be a big payoff at the end. This is essential because there are going to be times when you question what you are doing, when you ask yourself, "What's this for?".

When that question arises, envision yourself enjoying the reward at the end.
This will make your journey worth it.


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